miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2008

"The Pit and the Pendulum" Opinion

Well, as other Poe's stories I've read before, I loved this story a lot. At first, when the narrator was in his darkened dungeon, I was a little confused because he stared describing the walls in his cell, suddenly he started measuring them, then he was talking about the noises he was hearing and, whenhe fell down, he described what he could feel from the pit. The part I liked the most was when he was a about to be split in half by the pendulum, sincerely I thought he was not going to escape because the pendulum was so close to his body that any mistaken movement would finish him forever, personally I feared the most everytime he said he raised his head because I thought the the pendulum was coming towards his head and it would slice his skull. The final part where he is about to be crushed by the walls and he has no other option than throwing himself into the pit was, as I had mentioned before, a desperate attempt form his tortures to finish him at once. Generally speaking, it is a great story, with an excellent narrative, which is characteristic in Poe's works. I really enjoyed this story because there are parts of the story where you feel you're in the dungeon with the narrator, especially when he describes his despair and fear towards the pendulum.


Campus-Vampire Weekend
La Noche de la Barracuda-Fenómeno Fuzz
Jezebel(bt mix)-Noisuf X
A Dead Song-Lydia Lunch & The Bithday Party
Rock & Roll-Los Implantes

"No Witchcraft for Sale" Opinion

Well, first of all I did not like this story because it seems to me like a racist story, for real, one evidence of that is the way Teddy treated all black people, with Gideon as an excpetion. Another element of racism is the way the scientist tried to force Gideon to tell him about this "magical plant", because even if black people were slaves or servants, there's no way to get an answer if one tries to force someone to tell him the answer. I didn't understand the part of the story where tha snake spits its vemon towards Teddy because for what I know, that vemon blinds people immediately so it was almost impossible that he could get his eyes healed, besides, there passed lots of time since the snake spit Teddy until Gideon came back from God knows where with the root, maybe it was a fictional element the author included so that the story wasn't so short, who knows. For concluding, I didn't enjoy reading this one story the way I've enjoyed other stories.


Us-Regina Spektor
Jump Rope-Bad Acid Trip
Apple of Sodom-Marilyn Manson & Rasputina

martes, 30 de septiembre de 2008

Opinion About The Exam

Well, for this exam, I feel I was more prepared about what was to come, mostly because you had already told us what did we have to investigate and because you allowed us to bring our notes. I did not use this last resource because it takes more time to read and copy than just thinking about the answer, I do not know if it works like this for everyone, but as long as it works for me, it is just fine. For the long questions, who were like the most important part of the exam, I fell I extended myself in some of the answers and therefore, I used more time than I should have used. As long as I remember, my longest answer was the one of Harrison Bergeron, By the Waters of Babylon and A Sound of Thunder's societies, but for that question there could not be short answers because of all the descriptions about every society must be included. Generally speaking, the exam was sort of easy, in a way, the only thing that keeps in my head is the fact that I missed three of the small questions, but I hope that missing part of the note can be completed with what I wrote on the other questions. In conclusion, I think this exam was more extended than the past one, but I think I have to focus on writing faster so that I can write more in less time and with that, I will not miss more questions in further exams.


The Doors - The Soft Parade
The Tiger Lillies - Bully Boys
Rage Against the Machine - Pistol Grip Pump
The White Stripes - A Martyr for My Love You
Dragonforce - Through the Fire and Flames
Los Fabulosos Cadillacs - Strawberry Fields Forever (Cover)

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2008

Harrison Bergeron

First of all, I enjoyed this story because it is a reflexion about how will societies be in the future, and, if they will be like the one describes in the story it makes you think if a a perfect, ordered, controlled society is really possible to achieve.
This story, more than being a good work of science fiction, talks about rebelion, inconformity, about making aside the routine world to make one's own fate. Even if in the story the rebelion was not fully achieved, that action may be a decisive factor for the story which could happen after the written ending, because maybe after everyone saw Harrison reveal himself before all the spectators eyes, they would be able to see that they can change their handicapped condition. I think that if people from that time appliedwhat they had read in the story, maybe it wasn't but unconsciously but it was in that time (we are talking about the decade of the 60's) when most of the social movements took place all around the world (student's movements, the hippie movement, the movements for women's rights, etc.).
As I see it, I think this writer was trying to express his feelings about the world situation in the time the story was written. I think he was against all of the government's procedures and measures it used to keep the population under control so they would not have more politic troubles than they had in that time.
Generalizing, I think it is a good story, it is well narrated, it is very detailed, it captures the readers' attention from the very begginig to the last word of the end, and even when it finishes, it leaves with the doubt of "what will happen next?, will more and more people reveal themselves?, will it be a mass rebelion of the skilled people so they can defeat H-G and the whole government?,etc.". Also, for finishing this text, I noticed that the author gives very limited clues for predicting the ending, so it involves you more and more in the story and that makes read carefully so you can catch all of the details the writer leaves for us to perceive and, furtherly, comprehend the story even better than if someone just read it without paying attention to it.

miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2008

Impression about the Exam

This exam was different from any exam I had ever done before, mostly because I had never answered questions in which I had to write more than 100 or 150 words, I have to confess that I panicked when I was answering the 150 word question and the professor said we had less than 5 minutes so I just made my brain work faster so I would not blank in the middle of the answer. Honestly I do not remember if I finished writing the 150 words, because I could not count them, but these exercises help for us to write faster and comitting the less mistakes possible, so we do not have to stop to correct so often and so we will have a better use of our examination time, using the most part of it for answering the longest questions.
Generally speaking, I was surprised myself by this exam format, which I admit was new to me, but I liked it. I hope not to fail.

Impressions about "The Interlopers"

The Interlopers

The Interlopers is really a good story, because when you start reading it, you first think that Ulrich is hunting an animal, but then you notice that he is actually hunting for another man.
This next part when Ulrich and Georg find each other casually and when they realize they are not imagining it, I didn't enjoy it very much, actually
I thought about it as unreal,because that was what they were expecting from avery long time ago and they do not do anything but look each other in the eyes.
I enjoyed the next part, which is when a log falls between them and injures them because that log was an important factor for the feud to be finished. I also liked when Ulrich offers some of his wine to Georg, because he finally realizes that he does not wish death to him anymore, maybe that happened because of his injures, that he hoped they both could be found and they could return to their own homes safe and sound.
The final part of the story was, for me, the best because when they finally see that the ones who are coming are neither Ulrich's men nor Georg's men but a pack of wolves and that leaves you with certain expectations about what is going to happen next, will the wolves see them or they will just pass by? If the wolves see them, will they attack them?
For concluding this, I really liked the story, even if there were some parts that I disliked, but they were also important for the story's development so I say that it is a great story.

miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2008


Sorry, due to some technical issues which I dindn't remember until some minutes ago, now all of my entries are going to be in English so, the group gets even more selective.

Queen-Killer Queen
Rage Against The Machine-Revolver
Lost Acapulco-Acapulco Golden

Primer entrada en serio

Ehhhhhhhhh bueno esta es la primer entrada de muchas solo que no se que poner entonces pues ahi les va un chistecillo:
Un gallego llega a la clínica donde su esposa acaba de dar a luz y le pregunta al médico:
-Hombre cómo está mi esposa?
-Su esposa está bien pero a su hijo le tuvimos que poner oxígeno.
-Coño yo quería que se llamara manolo!!!

Porta-Entre avenidas y aceras
Instituto Mexicano del Sonido-El Microfono
Gogol Bordello-Balkanization of America


Ehhhhhhhhhhh querido lector (si es que llego a tener alguno) te doy la bienvenida a este tu humilde espacio de expresiòn cultural y pues aqui se vale comentar de todo excepto si publico alguna tarea que lo pindre muy claro en el titulo de la entrada si no es asi y ustedes queridos lectores ven que publico algun idiotez pueden hacer de las suyas en los comentarios es mas tal vez ni llegue a verlos asi que ya saben. Espero no tener que llegar a ese punto donde publique cada idiotez para recibir insultos. Por ahora eso es todo sean ustedes bienvenidos.