miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2008

"No Witchcraft for Sale" Opinion

Well, first of all I did not like this story because it seems to me like a racist story, for real, one evidence of that is the way Teddy treated all black people, with Gideon as an excpetion. Another element of racism is the way the scientist tried to force Gideon to tell him about this "magical plant", because even if black people were slaves or servants, there's no way to get an answer if one tries to force someone to tell him the answer. I didn't understand the part of the story where tha snake spits its vemon towards Teddy because for what I know, that vemon blinds people immediately so it was almost impossible that he could get his eyes healed, besides, there passed lots of time since the snake spit Teddy until Gideon came back from God knows where with the root, maybe it was a fictional element the author included so that the story wasn't so short, who knows. For concluding, I didn't enjoy reading this one story the way I've enjoyed other stories.


Us-Regina Spektor
Jump Rope-Bad Acid Trip
Apple of Sodom-Marilyn Manson & Rasputina

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